The summer heat puts a major strain on your HVAC system; we get more calls for help during the summer months than any other time of the year. There are numerous things a homeowner can do to help their system be as efficient as possible. Here are the tips we give our customers.
Thermostat: a programmable thermostat will enable you to set the temperatures in your home while you sleep, live and are away at work. It’s hard to remember to adjust the thermostat every day, but a programmable thermostat will control it for you.
Landscaping: airflow into your HVAC unit is critical, keep all plants and shrubbery back from your unit at least 4 feet. Unrestricted air flow will help keep the condenser coils clean too. Also, keep pets away, pet urine can damage your unit.
Air Leaks: attics, windows, crawl spaces and duct work that leaks will increase the monthly energy bill measurably and cause the unit to work excessively. Silicone is a good sealant around windows and doors, professional help may be needed for leaky crawl spaces and duct work.
Air Filters: Clean and/or replace your filter every month! There are a lot of variables as to the exact life of a filter: carpet, pets, air quality, etc… Monthly replacement will ensure the best possible air flow for your HVAC unit.
Heat: appliances that produce heat, TV’s and lamps, which are close to a thermostat could cause the thermostat to sense the heat and work improperly.
Repair or Replace: older units may need a repair that could greatly increase the life of the unit. If a replacement is in order; we will provide a stress free experience and even offer financing.
HVAC systems are the most expensive appliance in your home; proper maintenance will ensure a long life and quality service. Call us to schedule a checkup of your unit.
Wes Stevens
Air Dynamics MS, LLC
704-664-2665 (COOL)
704-664-4328 (HEAT)